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“Two years ago, we moved, and I started working from home. I think the combination of being a bit depressed, no longer going to my regular gym and not being as active, and snacking all day at my desk and making bad food choices brought on an almost 30 lb weight gain. I have always been slim, so this was really hard for me. But I know that any major increase in weight in that short of time is very bad for your health. So take the looks part out- this was becoming a health issue. I am over 40. It’s not something to take lightly. And I knew I needed to do something about it.

By cutting out snacking and “sort of” eating healthier, and getting a spin bike, I was able to drop 20 lbs of that in about 9 months. But I knew that to lose the rest and to get “healthy” again, I would need help. And then I saw Neelee start posting about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. This really seemed like the perfect solution to my problem. It wasn’t that I need to lose a major amount of weight at this point. It was the fat I needed to drop, about 10-15 more lbs to get to my goal weight and fit back into my clothes, but more importantly, I would learn how to EAT properly. The program was all around whole foods- nothing was left out. This wasn’t a diet about eating a ton of fat, or no carbs or just juice. You eat real food. With the support of my husband, we went all in! We purged the pantry and fridge and I swear- our meals have never been better! Amazing recipes were shared throughout the program and we learned the best options to order out (but still have a donut, chocolate or fries in moderation). The IF I will practice for life! You are eating so much food you NEVER feel hungry or deprived. My focus was on nutrition the first round the workouts were great!

So after 6 weeks only working out 2-3x/wk for 15-20 min I lost 7lbs and 10 inches! I am so proud of myself and can’t speak highly enough of Neelee and FWTFL. It’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle.”


“FWTFL has really brought me to a better place and I feel so much better in my own skin. The accountability of this group and the encouragement has made me want to keep moving in a better direction. I have the tools I need and I feel good about continuing on my own but yes I’m probably going to be joining VIP too! This second round I lost 10 more inches and another 8lbs. I started on this journey on February 17th and since then I’m so happy to say 23.5 inches are gone and I’m 16lbs lighter! I feel great and I am a better version of me both physically and mentally! I’m getting stronger each day and challenge myself to keep moving when I get tired. I do it for me and my family! Thank you to all of you and thank you Neelee! ️ I have crazy respect for this group... you ladies are awesome!”

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“So, I took a leap…and I am glad I did! In the last 7 years the pounds started to follow me and suddenly I got on the scale and was out of the 100s! WHAT??! How did this happen?! Thinking I need to get a handle on this, I would try any quick fix, gimmicky program to help me lose the weight. Did it work, yes, but after I stopped, I would gain it all back and then some. Each. Time.

I have two friends who are coaches in the FWTFL world and I kept seeing their posts about the food they were eating..and how MUCH food they were eating…and kept thinking HOW can they eat like that and look like they do?! It turns out when you are fueling your body with the RIGHT foods you CAN!

My husband decided to take this leap with me. I am happy to say we have both changed our lifestyle and are now living the Faster Way and loving it! We are happier, more energetic and determined to keep going! The progress that I made in the first six weeks was encouraging and I am looking forward to continuing this journey to reach my goal(s)"